A Christian Compromise on Critical Race Theory

A Christian Compromise on Critical Race Theory

They say that it's the mark of an educated mind to change positions when presented with new information. About a year ago, I, like most Bible-literate Christians, disavowed of Critical Race Theory (CRT). I believed (and still do) that it is inherently racist, and its goal is to exalt one…
A Conscious View of Sin

A Conscious View of Sin

Sin. It’s a word that’s unavoidable in religious contexts, second only to “repent.” It’s a word that, I think, has done more harm than good in recent years for evangelical efforts. Us Christians won't make ‘bad’ people ‘good’ just by reminding them that they are “sinners” who need to “repent.”…
Colored, polished stones and crystals laid symmetrically on a yoga mat. The mat has mandala artwork embroidered on it.

Are Chakras Real?

As far as I know, modern science has yet to actually prove that chakras exist. We can’t see them in the same way we can see brain wave patterns on an MRI brain scan. But skeptics could say the very same about God! Like His existence, even if we can’t…
What is Wisdom It and How do We Get It?

What is Wisdom It and How do We Get It?

“Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any country. If it were, the laws would lose their effect, because it can always be pretended.” - Thomas Jefferson A Musing on Wisdom There are certain universal laws that we are all bound to. Mechanical laws don’t cease to exist because…
What is Conscious Christian Rap?

What is Conscious Christian Rap?

Eminem once said, "they asked me what happened to hip-hop, I said I don't have any answers." It's not just that rap has evolved into something different or better than it used to be; it doesn't even have the same spirit it did when it was born. Hip-hop used to…

Put Your Consciousness into God Mode with Game Theory

Can you be reckless and still love people well? I don't think you can. In fact, those options are two complete opposites on the consciousness spectrum. If you're going to be awake, you can't make decisions without considering the consequences of your actions. "I Want To Play A Game..." Keep…

Is it Biblical to be “Woke”?

Transform Your Mind This article explains how the arc of the Biblical story, from Genesis to the New Testament Gospel, and the epistles, is in fact the theology of God creating mankind, mankind rejecting God (preferring ignorance, sin, and rebellion over wisdom, love, and peace), and God’s relentless pursuit to…

What is Consciousness?

There is a lot of talk today about people “waking up” to the realities around them. Being “woke” is a huge part of the operating system in pop culture. Some ("woke") churches often talk about a new Revival of the Christian faith in the coming years.Meanwhile, the Christian faith holds…